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Madison Soil and Water Conservation District is Collecting Milkweed Pods for Monarchs Sept. 15 – Nov. 15

The monarch butterfly is dependent on finding milkweed plants throughout its migration to survive.

Did you know that milkweed is the most important plant for the monarch butterfly?  Milkweed is referred to as a “host” plant for the monarch, meaning their survival is dependent on finding and utilizing these colorful native plants. To promote healthy populations of monarch butterflies, the Madison Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is part of the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative’s annual milkweed pod collection.  Interested participants are asked to collect common milkweed pods and drop them off at the specially marked collection bin in front of the SWCD office at 831 US Highway 42 NE, London, Ohio, from September 15 – November 15th.

Several species of milkweed native to Ohio, including common, butterfly, and swamp milkweed, are all used by the monarch on their annual migration through the region.  When collecting seed pods, be sure you are collecting from the common milkweed only.  

Pick pods when they are dry and gray or brown in color, but not open.  If the center seam pops with gentle pressure they are ready to be picked.  Leave some pods (10-25%) on the plants so that seeds have a chance to naturally disperse and do their job as an important food source for milkweed bugs and other critters.

Put collected pods into paper bags or paper grocery sacks. Avoid plastic because of the risk of moisture accumulation. Please clearly mark the county where pods were collected on each container along with the date of collection.  Store pods in a cool, dry area until delivered to collection station.  

Once collected, the pods will be processed with the help of prison horticultural programs and the seed planted in pollinator projects across Ohio.  With your help, we will see our skies full of these amazing butterflies once again.  For more information about this program or how to establish pollinator habitat on your own property, contact Broc Sehen, SWCD District Technician, at (740) 852-4003.