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About Us

Our Purpose

For 75 years, we’ve helped Madison County take care of its most precious environmental commodities: the water and soil.


Who We Are
Madison Soil and Water Conservation District was established in 1947 as a political subdivision of the State of Ohio that works on a county level in partnership with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) staff. Our work is administered by a board of five locally elected supervisors that live within Madison County.  Funding for the Conservation District comes from the county commissioners and state government. 

What We Do
Simply put, we connect the citizens of Madison County with the resources to steward our lands. Our responsibility is to help the public conserve our soil, water and related natural resources in Madison County, Ohio, by providing technical expertise, financial assistance programs and educational tools.

Why We Do It
Our world faces natural resource challenges and concerns that take a group effort to overcome. We help Madison County mitigate the effects of climate change, urban growth and invasive species that put our water quality, soil health, wildlife and agricultural lands at risk.

How We Work
Our board and staff implement objectives for a healthy environment in the Annual Plan of Operations in cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other agencies in an effort to meet these identified goals.  All programs and services are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap.