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Be the Change

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Be the Change for Clean Water

When it comes to protecting our water resources we all need to be part of the solution. Be The Change for Clean Water is bringing together ten counties and a multitude of partners to provide education, resources, and opportunities to make it easier for all Central Ohio residents to Be the Change for Clean Water.
Whether you are concerned about water pollution, participate in outdoor recreation activities, interested in volunteering, want to protect local wildlife, wish to join community leaders in developing policies and programs, or need to know how to properly dispose of trash this site is for you. We can all do something to Be the Change for Clean Water. Check out our seasonally updated messages and feel free to use any of the resources provided. 

Join us on our journey to sustain Madison County for the next generation

As a public service agency, our role within our county is largely based on you and your involvement. Our neighbors are our customers and we aim to serve all. Here are some ways to utilize your SWCD:

Volunteer with Us
We have plenty of opportunities for those interested in gaining environmental work experience or seeking to care for our community. We encourage motivated Madison County residents to contact us for volunteer opportunities.

Voice Your Concerns
If you have a question or concern about natural resources in your area, we encourage you to speak up. Let your voice be heard at our monthly board meetings, public forums and community meetings or contact us to see how we can help.